About Our Pastors
許寶蓮牧師於1995年移居墨爾本﹐與丈夫余俊銓牧師和三個孩子在墨爾本教會聚會和事奉。許牧師於一九八二年畢業於香港海外神學院﹐在香港及澳洲牧會多年﹐並於二零一五年於University of Divinity取得神學學士學位。2020年與丈夫移居阿德萊德﹐現任教會粵語堂牧師。
I grew up in Hong Kong and moved to Australia for university education. I made a decision to follow Jesus when I was in year 7. Since then, I experienced the countless grace and wonder of God.
Before I was called to ministry to serve God full time, I worked as a medical scientist in the pathology laboratories for a few years. The scriptures which inspire and motivate me greatly are Ephesians 1:17-19. It is my pleasure and honour to serve God in my life and I know the greatest hope in which God has called me. I completed my theology degree at the University of Divinity and Perth Morling College in 2022. I am now doing a Master degree at the Bible College of South Australia.
I moved to Adelaide in February 2023 from Perth and took up a role as a youth pastor. I am excited for the next journey in serving God at AACC and for the opportunity to share Jesus with others. My passion is to serve the young generation and to see their lives be transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.
Some of my favourite things to do are reading, cooking, listening to music, playing musical instruments, watching movies, and meeting up with new friends.
澳亞基督教會是澳洲南澳省的一間教會,座落於阿德雷德 (Adelaide) 市中心內。主日祟拜採用三種語言(粵語、普通話及英文)。另外教會共有十一個團契及主日學。